U ovaj deo grada vas turističke agencije neće odvesti. Zato sam ja uvek bila protiv uplaćivanja aranžmana, jer samo vi znate šta želite da vidite, a agencije vas mnogo sputavaju.
Nişantaşı je,
po meni, najlepši deo Istanbula, boemski i kosmopolitski, evropski, a opet ima
snažan pečat Turske. Većina stanovnika su stranci i proevropski orijentisani
Turci. Nekretnine su ovde najskuplje, a propos šopinga predstavlja Meku svih
luksuznih brendova, a recimo da pruža i veliki izbor što se tiče barova i
restorana za večernje izlaske.
Ono što je mene
oduševilo je što je to grad u gradu, izuzetno čist i uredjen deo, oivičen
predivnim parkom pod imenom Machka park. I da, ima puno mačaka i jeste, park je
po njima dobio ime. Morate znati da su u Turskoj mačke malo naprednije i ne
možete ne zapaziti da imaju nekih 5kg više od prosečnih.
Orhan Pamuk je baš
na Nişantaşı-ju živeo i o njemu je često i sa puno epiteta pisao, jer samo tako
i možete dočarati Nişantaşı. U prošlosti je Nişantaşı
predstavljao mesto gde su se otomanski strelci i sultani okupljali da se
takmiče u streljaštvu. Ukoliko malo bolje obratite pažnju zapazićete kamenje na
kome su zabeleženi rekordi u dobacivanju strele.
Ako imate sreće da se nadjete tamo, preporučila bih vam da zavirite u butike i
njihove živopisne izloge, da svratite u City’s, mali, ali ekskluzivan šoping mall, da
protrčite Machka parkom i da usput pojedete dževrek koji se prodaje u crvenim
kolicima i koji košta 1TL. Fun fact: Po meni je najbolji onaj ispred City's-a, ali taj košta 1,5TL i dekica
koji ga prodaje je mi je stavio mašnu na kesu sa djevrekom :-)
da u uličicama koje su paralelne i vode prema Şişliju nalaze se uglavnom butici
koji prodaju iste stvari. Tako su butici sa ekskluzivnim ženskim haljinama
načičkani jedan do drugog, onda u sledećoj ulici ide red butika sa muškim
odelima itd. Turci se ne plaše konkurencije, očigledno i prodavnice su tako
rasporedjenje manje-više svuda po Istanbulu. Izuzetno neobično, ali olakšava
kupovinu jer imate raznovrsnu ponudu onoga što tražite na jednom mestu.
S obzirom da je ovde sve žipopisno i šareno, ne
zabooravite da povremeno trepćete :-)
Touristic agencies
are not gonna show you this part of the
city. That’s one of the reasons why i was always against group tours, because
you are supposed to see parts of the city that you are interested in, not just
the most touristic parts.
Nişantaşı is,
according to me, the most beautiful part of Istanbul, bohemic and European, and
again still Turkish. Most of the inhabitants are foreigners and proeuropean
Turkish people. Properties are very expensive, but it’s literally the center of shopping and all the exclusive brands, but you can also find nice restaurants and
bars for night life.
I was amazed by
the fact that it is the city in the city, clean and tidy and when you go down
the hill you can find Machka park (meaning cat park) but its perfect for
running actually. You are gonna realize that cats there are quite big, and they
weight approximately 5 kg more that normal ones.
Orhan Pamuk lived
in the neighbourhood and he often described Nişantaşı in his books. Nişantaşı means marking stone for Otoman
archers and sultans, and they were all competing here.
I would
highly recommend you to check all the shops there, colorful windows, to go to
City's shopping mall, view from the last floor is amazing, to run through
Machka park and eat simit, that costs only 1TL, but the one in front of City's
is the best one and cost 1,5TL. If you are lucky as me, you can get bow on your
simit :-)
cannot ignore the fact that most of the shops are located by the products they
are selling. So, in one street you can find
exclusive dresses for women, in other street just shops with elegant
suits and it's pretty obvious that Turkish people are not afraid of keen
competition. I've never seen that anywhere else, except in Istanbul. But it
actually makes your shopping easier, because when you want to buy sth, you know
which street you should visit.
You are prob gonna stare at everything in Nişantaşı, so don’t forget to blink from time to
Enjoy your journey lifelovers and world travellers,
Ana <3.
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