Monday, April 28, 2014

Kako se cenjkati na Kapali čaršiji/ Grand Bazar bargaining

Osim u slučaju da kupujete u šoping molovima ili u centru grada, u Turskoj se UVEK cenjkajte. To naročito važi ukoliko pazarite na Kapali čaršiji, odnosno Grand bazaru. Ukoliko niste imali priliku ranije da se oprobate u tome, u narednih nekoliko redova možete da pronadjete korisne savete kako uspešno da savladate ovu veštinu: 

Prvo i osnovno je da NIKADA ne izgledate prezainteresovano za kupovinu. Nemojte da pokažete da vam se nešto svidja. Ponašajte se kao da ste se slučajno zadesili u prodavnici i da se raspitujete o cenama.Ukoliko shvate da vam se nešto veoma dopada, nećete moći da spustite cenu. 

Uvek se cenjkajte sa osmehom. Nemojte govoriti da je roba nekvalitetna, da je boja ružna, nemojte se ljutiti na prodavca I govoriti kako drugi prodaju po nižim cenama. Često će vam ponuditi čaj ili kafu ukoliko kupujete neke vrednije stvari, na primer zlato ili bunde.

Pustite prodavca na napravi prvi ponudu. Oni će vas, naravno, sa vrata zamoliti da vi kažete koliko biste dali za odredjeni proizvod, medjutim, ukoliko to uradite, više nećete moći da spustite cenu.
Glumite da ste nezainteresovani, da samo razgledate, okrećite se po radnji, gledajte I druge proizvode, krenite prema izlazu. To će sve uticati na spuštanje cene.
Na Kapali čaršiji morate da znate da prodavci ujutru rade po principu da je najbitnije da prodaju kvotu, tako da je u jutarnjim časovima najlakše spustiti cenu. Kasnije rade na procenat, tako da, po što većoj ceni prodaju, više zarade. Ujutru je, zato, cenjkanje uglavnom uspešnije.

Oni znaju da ste stranci, jer na Kapali čaršiji rade samo iskusni prodavci, a takodje znaju da ste tu došli nešto da pazarite. Ono što vam toplo preporučujem jeste da se prethodno raspitate o cenama, a naročito o kvalitetu robe, jer će vas lako ubediti da je skaj koža, da je krzno pravo, itd. 

Prodavci su uglavnom ljubazni I veoma prijatni, čak I ako ništa ne kupite, lepo će proćaskati sa vama, ili vas uputiti gde da idete. Ono što nikako ne smete da uradite jeste da kažete mnogo nižu cenu od one koja zapravo jeste, jer ih to vredja I shvataju veoma lično.To će glasno prokometarisati I zamoliti vas da izadjete iz prodavnice.
Uostalom, Kapali čaršija (Zatvorena čaršija) I jeste osnovana da bi se omogućio nesmetan rad zanatlijama I trgovcima I poboljšao njihov položaj. Grand bazar je otvoren za vreme Mehmeda II Fatiha 1461. godine, a za vreme Sulejmana I veličanstvenog je proširen. Trenutno ima 18 ulaza I prostire se na preko 30 000m2, a magacine I prodavnice čuva preko 50 radnika obezbedjenja. Tu možete naći zlato, nakit, garderobu, kožu I krzno, začine, bademe, turske kolače, maske za mobilne telefone,cipele i  tašne, tačnije sve od igle do locomotive. Pored tolike ponude, nemoguće je da vas ova čaršija razočara jer ima nešto I za one najprobirljivije.

In case you do shopping on the streets and not in shopping malls or city center, you should always do bargaining. Especially if you shop at Grand Bazar. If you never tried to negotiate about prices with the trader, you can find some useful advices here how to do it:

The main thing is that you should never look too interested for one product. Don’t show them that you really like it. Pretend that you are in a shop without any attention to buy sth and that you just wanna know a bit more about the prices. If they realize that you adore sth, you couldn’t be able to lower the price.

When you decide to negotiate about prices- always smile. Don’t be too serious, don’t say that their products are not high quality, that it looks awful, that you don’t like the color, don’t get mad at the trader and don't tell him in any case that other sellers have better prices.
Let them give the offer first. When you enter the shop they are gonna ask you how much you would give for product you want, if you do that, you’re not gonna be able to lower the price any more.
You should act that you are not interested, that you are just looking around, turn around in the shop, look and ask for other products or move toward exit. That would also affect the negotiation.

When it comes to Grand Bazar its important to know that the sellers have aim in the morning to sell as much as they can, to reach the exact number that they have to sell and later on, they just work on commission. So, in the late afternoon it’s harder to lower the price, because the more expensive products they sell, the more they earn.

And they always know that you are tourist and foreigners, so they also know that you are potential buyers. Locals don’t buy at Grand Bazar. Its highly recommended that you first ask about the prices before you go to Grand Bazar, so that you know approximately how much you wanna spend and what quality you are looking for. Otherwise, they can easily trick you and convince you to buy sth that you don’t want to.
Traders are mostly very generous and friendly, even if you don’t buy anything, you can always have a nice chat with them. The thing you should never do: don’t ask for the price so low that you actually insult them. They can be very rude then and ask you to leave the shop.

Grand Bazar is built by Mehmed II Fatih in 1461, but during Sultan The Magnificent it was rebuilt and now has more than 30 000 m2. There are 18 entrances and 50 policemen are in charge of security in that area. You can find jewelry shops there, gold, clothes, lather and fur, spices, badem and nuts, Turkish delights, shoes and bags, in one word- everything. It’s impossible that after visiting Grand Bazar you feel disappointed because even the pickiest travellers can find sth there.

Enjoy your journey lifelovers and world travellers,

Ana <3

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