30C. Iako je guzva u Istanbulu, oseća se
da ljudi opušteno šetaju jer nije radni dan.
15 minuta od Dolmabahçe palate prema Bebeku
nalazi se Ortaköy- isprepletane uličice načičkane prodavnicama nakita, kafićima
i restoranima. Na trgu središnje mesto zauzima čovek koji prodaje hranu za
golubove oko koga se okupljaju deca. Kafići i restorani su prepuni, naročito
terase na krovu sa prelepim pogledom. Stranci kupuju šarene narukvice i ogrlice
sa turskom zastavom, urokljivim okom i mnogim drugim detaljima. Turistički
brodovi svraćaju svakih par minuta u luku pored čuvene džamije.
sam došla u Istanbul ta džamija se renovira, medjutim izgleda da se obnova
privodi kraju. Iako je mala, izgleda impresivno, oivičena plavetnilom neba,
modrim morem i Bosforskim mostom u pozadini. Svi se utrkuju da se slikaju.
uličica iza džamije nalaze se kiosci sa turskim kumpirom. To je ogroman krompir
napunjen povrćem, sosevima, nekada mesom, uostalom možete da birate šta želite
da stavite u njega. Ne zna se da li ljudi više uživaju u lepom vremenu, kumpiru
ili pogledu na Bosfor.
Ja, naravno, uživam u cenkanju oko narukvice i
kapucinu na vrhu terase jednog restorana koji gleda na more . Odatle gledam
decu koja skaču u vodu jer su odlučili da otvore sezonu kupanja. Poneki galeb
doleti da ukrade pokoje zrno sa terase i onda nastavlja dalje.
je poseban jer je blizu centra, ali se osećate kao da ste u malom turističkom
mestu. Miriše na so i na leto, a to je sve što mi danas treba.
30C. Although it’s very crowded in Istanbul, you can feel that people
are walking relaxed, because it’s weekend.
15 minutes from Dolmabahçe Palace, on a way to Bebek, you can
visit Ortaköy. I promise
you wont regret it. That part of the city consists of small streets with
jewelry shops, plenty of coffee shops and restaurants. And much more. On the main
square you can see older guy selling grain for pigeons, with kinds all around
him. Cafes and restaurants are packed, especially balconies on the rooftop with
amazing view. Foreigners buy colorful bracelets and necklaces with Turkish
flag, Turkish eye and other stuff. Touristic boats are coming to the harbor
near mosque every sec.
famous mosque is getting renovated since i came here, so I didn't have
opportunity to enter there, but it's looks quite impressive. It is actually very
small mosque, but the view is just amazing because on one side you can see
Bosphorus bridge, on the other boats and sea. Visitors are waiting to take
pictures there.
the mosque you can find some kiosks with traditional Turkish kumpir (potato).
It's a big potato filled with veggies, soss, sometimes meat, but you can also
choose what to put inside. So, you can enjoy Bosforus view, nice sunny weather, smell
of see and salt while eating your kumpir.
enjoyed bargaining about bracelet and had cappuccino on the terrace of a restaurant
that has the best sea view. The main attraction were the kids jumping in the
sea, because according to them, the summer has just come. A few sea birds came
to say hi and steal some bread from the terrace. I don't think the life can get
any better.
is quite special for me, because you are actually close to the center, but
still you have a feeling that you went to a touristic place on a seaside. Smelt
like salt and summer and that's pretty much all I need.
Enjoy your journey lifelovers and world travellers,
Love, Ana <3
Enjoy your journey lifelovers and world travellers,
Love, Ana <3
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