Friday, May 9, 2014

Vreme je za nargilu!! / It’s waterpipe time!!

Ukoliko poželite da se opustite u nekom tradicionalnom turskom baru, toplo bih vam preporučila da probate nargilu, pa čak iako niste ljubitelj duvanskog dima. Iako se nargila puši uglavnom neprekidno oko sat vremena I ima jačinu 4 jače cigarete, zbog raznovrsnih aroma koje su u ponudi, nećete ni osetiti snažan miris duvanskog dima. Uz nargilu se obično pije tradicionalni turski čaj. Ukoliko ostanete malo duže u baru, shvatićete da su mušterije uglavnom Turci, većinom muškarci i da često dolaze u većim grupama. 
Nargila, koju još nazivaju i šiša je orijentalna lula, sa savitljivim crevom koje je povezano sa visokim postoljem u kome se hladi dim prolaskom kroz vodu. Na Bliskom istoku, u Tunisu i u Turskoj nargila se uglavnom koristi posle jela, kao dezert i za opuštanje. Aroma ima previše, sve su poprilično voćne i slatkaste i zato je moj omiljeni ukus/miris kapućino. Stranci najčešće kupuju što veće i šarenije nargile da bi ih poneli kući kao ukras. Turiste ćete u baru lako prepoznati zato što naruče pivo ili vino uz nargilu, što naravno nikako ne ide. 
Na jeftinijim mestima ćete naći nargilu za 15TL, što je oko 5 evra, medjutim u Istanbulu oko Taksima i na Sultanahmetu cene su preko 20TL za oko 100-200 udisaja dima, dakle oko sat vremena. Ovaj egzotični užitak vam preporučujem samo ukoliko želite da se osetite kao pravi starosedelac Istanbula.
If you want to take a break in a traditional Turkish bar, I would highly recommend waterpipe, though you may not be the biggest fan of smoking. You can smoke waterpipe approximately one hour and the strength is equal to 4 cigarettes. But if you choose very strong aroma, you wouldn't be able to feel the smell of the smoke. Turkish people always order traditional Turkish tea that goes very well with the pipe. If you stay a bit longer in a bar, you are gonna realize that most of the customers are Turkish men coming in groups in the evening. 
Waterpipe is also called narghila and shisha, and in Middle East, Tunisia and Turkey they use it mostly after the meal as dessert and for relaxation. There are too many aromas, they are all mostly sugary or fruity and that's why my fav flavor is cappuccino. Foreigners mostly buy bigger and more colorful waterpipes so that they take them home as a souvenir . You can easily recognize tourists in a narghila bar because they order beer or wine together with waterpipe which is not a good match according to Turkish people.

If you find some cheaper places, pipe costs approximately 5 euros, but in Istanbul in Taksim area or Sultanahmet it's more expensive, so at least 20TL and more. If you want to feel like a real Istanbul citizen, it's highly recommended to smoke some shisha. There's nothing more Turkish than that!!
Enjoy your journey life lovers and world travellers, 

Love, Ana.

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